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It wasn't until we moved into our new home in 2006 that I found it again. It was addressed to me with explicit instructions not to open until my birthday 2005. It was now 2006 so I decided to open it. This is what it said:

Dear Sherri

By the time you read this you will be 30. At the age of 18 I had so many hopes and dreams about where you'd be, what you'd be doing and with whom you'd spend your life with.

Right now I hope that you have traveled and seen everything you've always wanted to, both in Canada and overseas, and maybe even settled down somewhere in Australia doing some research in the field of biology (genetics.

I hope you're married to the man of your dreams. The man of mine is Gwynn. He is originally from South Africa (another place I wish to visit.

You'll probably have two children of your own – a girl(Michaela Anne and a boy (name yet to be decided.

If everything goes according to plan you'll be living in Australia in a big house in a small town outside of a big city with a lot of land, a dog, Gwynn and your two beautiful children. Hopefully you have a career in the medical field, maybe doing research in genetics. Gwynn will be a computer programmer and you will be doing alright for yourselves.

However, if things don't go according to plan for you, I wish you all the love, happiness and joy in the world and don't settle for anything less than the best since that is absolutely what you deserve.

Live long, be happy and live life to it's fullest.

Love Sherri "18″

When I read this for the first time since writing it I was floored. Even now having dug this up again another 4 years later I still can't help but think this is really cool.

So much of what I wanted for myself has materialized.

I did travel to a few more places in Canada although I haven't seen everything I'd like to.I did marry the man of my dreams and yes he still is my one and only.I've traveled to the UK, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. I lived in Australia for nearly 4 years in a big house, in a small suburb, in a major city (close enough. I had a career in Biology in the field of genetics for 10 years.I have two lovely kids – both boys (names now decided.

I have not one dog but two dogs. Both yellow labs from Australia.Gwynn is a computer programmer. We are doing okay for ourselves.

After writing this I quickly forgot about what I had put in here actually. The things that materialized were all met with quite a bit of resistance (all internal but I suppose these were things that I really did want. Having never strayed too far from home overseas travel was a huge deal. Having never been away from my family moving to Australia for several years was an incredibly huge decision.

I find it fascinating how the dreams of a young and naive little girl can become a grown woman's reality.

I'm curious if you guys have ever written anything to your future self and how it stacks up to your current reality. If you haven't, will you join me in writing a letter now to yourself in say 10 years from now? It's an interesting little experiment.


Dear Tom,

How time flies ! You havebeen studying in Beijingfor nearly a month, during which youmust have achieved a lot. Well, how's everything going? It is reported that theweather there is very hot and dry these days, which is very different from thatof your country. Have you adapted to it?In addition, you once complained that the food served there was not to yourtaste. I hope that should have been improved.

I am glad to tell you that Iwill go to Beijingto take part in an English speech contest in July, which is not only an honor,but also a great opportunity for me to improve myself. And now I try my best tomake preparations for it. However, Ihave some trouble in collecting relevant materials and using the language. I will appreciate it if you give me a hand tosolve the problems.

After the contest, I am todrop in at your school to visit you. Please wait for my phone.

Yours ,

Li Hua



We didn't know much about each other twenty years ago. We were guided by our intuition; you swept me off my feet. It was snowing when we got married at the Ahwahnee. Years passed, kids came, good times, hard times, but never bad times.

Our Love and respect has endured and grown. We've been through so much together and here we are right back where we started 20 years ago-older, wiser-with wrinkles on our faces and hearts. We now know many of life's joys, sufferings, secrets and wonders and we are still here together.

My feet have never returned to the ground.




Dear John,

How are things going on with you in Beijing?

I am writing to express my thanks to you. You taught me in my spoken English before you went to Beijing. With your help, I made such rapid progress that I won the first place in the Spoken EnglishCompetition of the city. My success is owed to (归功于your help. Thank you very much.

I have heard that you and your wife will pay a visit to our school. I am very glad at the news. In that case, we can see each other again. I am looking forward to your coming. By the way, I have sent you a book as a small gift. I hope you will like it.


Li Hua


Dear dad and mum,

I have been very happy in the school. Sometimes, at night I cry in the bed because I miss you very much. You always say “Learn well and I will be happy.” So I work hard in the school every day. After class I play with my classmates. We skip rope, play cards and ball and so on. I spend a lot of time doing my homework. After lunch we have to do Kumon. When I finish, I play Pingpong with my friends. Then I spend some time reading my English notes. At six o’clock I have my evening class. Then I have my evening snack at twenty past seven. After that, I have some free time. At eight o’clock, I go to bed. This is a day in the school. Mum, you always tell me “Happiness is very important in our life.” So I want to be happy every day. If you are not happy, call me please.




Dear Mike,

Hi, This is XXX, Hope you are well

I heard you have been got the offer from Peking University, XXX told me about it. I am really happy for you. Congratulations!

I hope we can meet in Beijing soon.




My dear wife:

So long no see, I miss you very much. Time is slipping by, I have already apartted with you near two months instant. Now I wish I would had a pair of wings flying to your body side .

I have adapted the working environment in Saudi Arabia. You always exhort for me to take good care of myself every times Please you don` t worry about me. I know you are very hardship in homeland, you look care our son, also support our parents, and go to work at the same time. I leave myself away from my native place, I could not share in housework for you. I told you that you must care for your health. You are much understanding and capable. I am afraid our son can not keep up with studying. It is very important task that you must have child study hard to improve daily.

When a person suffer tribulation of living, he will get more comprehend to life. The life is precious but love is more valueable. I wish our love flower never sear. Thanks for being in my life.

Break a leg!

Sincerely yous.




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