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可我却越发忐忑不安,会不会抽到我呢?菩萨保佑!  抽背拉开了序幕。我偷偷环视了一下四周:A同学的手在两膝间使劲地搓着;B同学似乎在微微发抖;C同学膝盖上平放着课本,低着头,口中念念有词--看样子佛脚还未抱够呢;不少同学尤其是那几位三好生候选人倒是正襟危坐,一副胸有成竹的样子。



哇!只见“11号”木然站在那里,低着头,又是一个徐庶进曹营--- 一言不发,我不由得一阵担心:下一个轮到我了?盼星星,盼月亮,终于盼得下课铃声响。老师走出教室后,一些侥幸漏网末被抽查到的同学像是武林中人收功似的深深长长吐了口气。


“那几个(三好生候选人从不把铃声当作哀乐!”F同学的话精辟之至。“唉,早知如此,何必当初……”这是“11号”后悔的声音。  我的心灵受到了某种震撼,刚才还有的一点侥幸心理,此时不知一下子跑到哪里去了。


Father's Day

Yesterday was Father's Day. I had planned to give my father a present. But I didn't remember it until in the morning.It was too late to post a card to him. So I decided to buy something. When I was in the department store. I found it was not easy for me to choose something right for him. Suddenly I

got an idea. I ran home and opened my computer. I made a beautiful card and mailed him through the Internet. then I began to make supper. When father came home, he was very glad to find a big meal on the table. then I asked him to check his e-mail. He was amazed to find a beautiful card in his e-mail-box.

What a wonderful surprise!


This is my first week in ** Senior Middle School.Everything here is new for me.Our school is an old school but it`s very beautiful.I have 50 new classmates in my class.They`re all very excellent, I think, and I felt a little sad.Because I`m too common.But come to think of it,it`s a very good thing.I believe I can also be very excellent if I study with such excellent classmates.I didn`t know why Ms *** chose me to be the committee of study.But I know it`s a good chance for me to raise my ability.All I can do is do my best in the future.I am sure that Ms *** and my classmates can help me when I do something wrong. Because they`re all very kind.It`s a pleasure to work and study with them.I`m really very happy.I`m not an outstanding student in this class,but I can do the same thing like others.I believe I won`t make anyone disappointed.


Dear Daddy,


Thank you very much for your letter written to me. In your letter , you not only expressed your expectation to me , but also showed all your love to me . I was deeply moved . Thanks again ,Daddy .You said ," I hope you get bravery and perseverance, and can quickly grasp living skills like a lion ". Now I want to tell you that I will try my best to do everything well and live up to your expectations . Dear father , you are a great lion in my mind .


When I am absent mind , when I am depressed, you , my dear father is always there . Your advice and encouragement guide me through many difficulties . Thank you , Dad, for your help and understanding. I love you , Dad ,forever!



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