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“ 当当、当当”一阵紧锣密鼓的上课铃声响起之后,一号选手在大家期待的目光里,伴随着热烈的掌声,跨上了讲台。他乃我班“勤奋大王”陈志豪,他背诵的题目是《这里其实很美》。“在这片土地,我仿佛闻到了泥土的清香。它就像一块蓝玻璃,而我生活在这蓝玻璃中……”他一字一句,有板有眼。他小小的眼睛一眨不眨,嘴角的笑容也很自然,没有丝毫慌乱,也没有丝毫懈怠。我聆听着他轻松优美的语言,端详着他大方自如的神态,时间悠悠流走,即将接近尾声时,他也许松弛了,也许跑神了,竟然失算在“像一粒黄色的大米粒”一句,只见他紧紧蹙着眉头,苦思冥想着,不断重复“大米粒、大米粒”几个字,下面不知道乐倒了多少人。调皮的刘畅小声对我说:“背书时还想着吃大米粒,噎着了吧?”真是没有一点儿正行。我瞪了她一眼,警告说:“小心,你才有可能超越他!”刘畅赶紧正襟危坐。陈志豪在大家的啧啧称赞声中,笑眯眯地走下了讲台。





相关专题:比赛 作文 男生 大家


①As the graph depicts , … ②From the cartoon /picture , we can see that … ③According to the statistics shown in the first /second graph , ④The table shows / indicates / reveals that … ⑤It can be seen /concluded from the picture / table / figures that …



Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character, a small, plain-faced, intelligent and honest English orphan. The novel goes through five distinct stages: Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins; her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations; her time as the governess of Thornfield Manor, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; her time with the Rivers family at Marsh's End (or Moor House and Morton, where her cold clergyman-cousin St John Rivers proposes to her; and her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister gothic elements.


①Some people like / prefer …, while others are / feel inclined to … ②There are different opinions among people as to … Some believe … whole hold … ③Some people claim that … is superior to … Others , however , disagree with it . ④Some people believe … Others maintain … Still others claim … ⑤Some people suggest … Others , however , hold the opposite opinion . ⑥On the one hand , people tend to … On the other hand , they feel … ⑦Some people argue that … Others , in contrast , believe that … ⑧Although more and more people come to believe … there are still others who insist that … ⑨On the contrary , there are people in favor of … ⑩There are some people who hold different opinions about …



 ①Recently , …has become the focus of the society . ②…has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life . ③Nowadays there is a growing concern for … ④Nowadays it is common to hear /see … ⑤…has become a common occurrence in our daily life . ⑥Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of … ⑦It is only during the last /past few years that man has become generally aware that … ⑧There is an old / popular saying / proverb which says / goes … ⑨In recent years , there is a general tendency … ⑩Nowadays … has become a problem we have to face .



The topic of ①________(主题is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions of it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②________(支持A的理由一What is more, ③________(理由二. Moreover, ④________(理由三.

While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,________(支持B的理由一. Secondly (besides,⑥____________(理由二. Thirdly (finally,⑦____________(理由三.

From my point of view, I think ⑧________(我的观点. The reason is that ⑨____________(原因. As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice .

(2 给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点Some people believe that ①________(观点一. For example, they think ②________(举例说明.And it will bring them ③________(为他们带来的好处.

In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④____(我不同意该看法的理由一. For another thing, ⑤____(反对的理由之二. Form all what I have said,I agree to the thought that ⑥____(我对文章所讨论主题的看法.英语六级写作技巧





I read the book of Robinson Crusoe, their captors.

Article describes multiple sailing in the whole island, Crusoe masters of extraordinary survival 28 years experience, strive for survival, show the ingenuity and a man with indomitable perseverance in the face of hardship persistent existence desire, the lonely and eager to rescue the mood. In a lonely island overcome Robinson was done with fear, a savage and said he was "on Friday, they get along with each other, then built on Friday, Crusoe one kind of warm friendship." I also enjoy the disclosure of the business concept: Crusoe each sailing and adventure has clear commercial purpose, with his own property and calculating profit, he will also oneself life the island is his territory, in addition to reveal its economic thought, I admire John Robinson's rich, more learning his strong initiative and spirit of adventure, early efforts, hard work, and perfect kindness thought!


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