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When I read "when happiness knocks on the door", this film makes me feel how hard it is to have no money in the world. When Crete Gadens wife left, homeless, took his son to sleep in the toilet, he cried, he felt he was incompetent, helpless, even down to the toilet. He said to his son: "you are the best, to adhere to your dream, no matter who can not control your dream, that is, your father can not write." In him, I saw that he was in a very clean suit even though he was down and out. Because he knows, only professional, in order to attract more customers. He tried to make a phone call, not a phone. In order to make a phone call, not even drink water, so you dont have to go to the toilet. And at any time in the role of the younger brother, for the manager of tea, buy food for the manager. But even so, he is still very optimistic, because although his wife left him, but also his son, the son is the backbone, the son can live a good life, have a good education, being wronged, tired by the point and is what?

Finally pays off, he finally found a big customer, in order to get close to him, Crete Gaden accompanied the customers to watch the game, the game introduced a lot of customers in the customer for him, said: "the big customers in a short time, I wont let you control my money. But I appreciate you, so I am willing to make friends with you, after 100 days of hard work, Crete Gaden finally passed the examination, he won the first performance, he became the only one who was admitted to government securities company. When Crete Gaden entered the directors office, a securities company executives told him that you have become a formal securities agent, his heart very excited, tears in his eyes, in addition to the 3 top repeat saying thank you, he can not say a word. He thought that he and his son would never have to sleep in the toilet again, and no longer go to church workhouse, and he couldnt help but shed tears. It was tears of happiness. He thought of the future to give his son the best life, the best education, and he tears, gave a happy smile, he ran to his sons school, a Chinese opened for poor children studying in the school, hugged her son, thought: "son, Dad after you can get good life, have a good education!" By 2005, Crete Gaden had become a million dollar banker.

This is the "pursuit of happiness", their happiness will never knock on our door, we want to fight for their own, as long as the hard work, unremittingly, happiness will come knocking never yield in spite of reverses, our door.










Last night, I read an American inspirational article "when happiness knocks on the door", I feel a lot. Each of us has experienced some hardships before we know what happiness is. Chris experienced the most difficult stage in his life. From the step by step to the final success of the ordeal. The film also became popular applause of the American inspirational article. Perhaps inspirational articles have a common plot, all is the master, through the rough life course, finally to success. But if thats not the case, can it be inspirational?

When happiness knocks on the door, Chris. Gardiner represented a medical device, his main job is to do the work of medical device salesman, every day is carrying a scanner shuttle in the street, around to sell. Sales promotion is not so smooth. He goes out every day, but he comes home with money every day. He has a wife and a son. His wife works for 16 hours a day in a factory. He lives in poverty, and is often subject to various economic pressures, such as rent, car fines, taxes, etc..

Chris had a chance to see a group of stockbrokers working very happily, and he was determined to become a stockbroker. But he has only a high school diploma and has no experience, even if he makes an application. So he took the initiative to go to the examiner, hoping to achieve his wish. And it was his effort to make it happen. He got the chance to interview. He didnt get any income after the interview. The wife watched him unable to get out of the trouble and left him. It was another test for him. He decided to live alone with his son. At this point, he had no income during the 6 months practice of the stockbroker company. He could only take his son to the shelter when he was in a desperate situation. Despite this frustration, one after another, the difficulties ensued, and he never gave up. His belief in success and happiness remained unchanged. With this dedication, he worked hard, every effort to seize every opportunity, sincere treatment of his customers, and finally he ushered in the dawn of happiness.

The most impressive part of the movie is running. There are a lot of running scenes. Chris was running when he saw the stolen instrument; he was running to pay for the taxi fare; he was running for the interview; he was queuing in order to go to the hospice. Running in our lives is also possible, in order to squeeze into the bus, in order to quickly arrive at a certain place. And when Chris was running for his life, we thought of more bitterness and his effort to live. The film is the use of such a run of the subjective action, showing peoples most tenacious ability to survive and never yield spirit. We will also encounter difficulties, setbacks, whether we can correctly treat, and whether we are in the face of all this, can calmly think of ways, can take the initiative to beat the difficulties? If we can, we are the strong person in life.

The film left me with one of the deepest impression is Chriss tears. When he and his son were evicted from rental housing, he led his son to find a place to live. His friend refused him. So they came to the subway station. He came up with a story to coax his son to accept the difficulties he faced. So they went into a public lavatory and spent a night in the sound of a barrage of crashing sounds. Chris cried. He didnt cry for such difficulties. But let his son suffer with him, make him feel sorry for his son. This point of view is that he is a kind and respectable father. Treat his son, his affection is so strong and deep. Another scenario is that he was hired as the official broker, he cried, wanted to share this happy moment of the man is his son with him, can feel how much he loved his son.

We see these scenes can not help tears trickling down cheeks. A touching scene, from a subtle point can feel the power, we lack is such a force. We want to succeed, we want to become brave, and we face difficulties and setbacks, we also indomitable will and faith to support it? So, when it comes, we dont panic anymore. Because we think the world is nothing to fear. The terrible thing is that you believe in what you can do if you believe in what you want and what you will do.








很多人在看待人生时都存在一个误区,那就是更加看重成功,而常常忽略成长。成功是什么?按照世俗的定义,当一个人在社会上取得了财富、名誉和地位时, 我们就说这个人成功了。但事实上,这一成功的定义本身就是有问题的,因为从本质上讲,成功不是得到了什么,而是一个人成长的自然结果。成功不是某种静态的 东西,可以任人平白地“拿来”,因为凡是唾手可得的东西也极有可能随时失去;成功是一种成长,而成长源自一个人的内心,得到了就是永恒。人们在看待成功 时,通常用一种简单粗暴的方式:只看成功本身,而不去探索如何成功的路径。成功是怎么来的?是通过自身艰苦卓绝的努力得到的?还是通过权钱交易的阴谋得到 的?如果一个人得到的财富、名誉和地位不是通过自身不断的完善和光明磊落的努力得到的,那他所谓的成功就是令人鄙视的,这种成功也和成长毫无关系。如果一 个人的成功是和成长相连的,是通过不断努力而取得的,那我们就有理由相信,这样的成功会比较长久。

成长是一个人不断取得成功的加油站。如果一个人继承了一笔遗产、中了一份彩票,或者因为猜对题目而得到了一次高分,这不叫真正意义上的成功,因为 它与成长无关,不可复制,存在极大的偶然性。试想,如果此人想要再继承一份遗产,再中一次彩票,或者再猜对一次题目,还会那么容易吗?但相反,如果一个人 勤奋工作、努力学习,每天进步一点点,最后实现了自己的`梦想,那么他的成功就是一路成长的必然结果,未来更多的成功也可以用同样的方式复制。所以,持续不 断的成功必然和成长相关。当我们谈论一个人成功的故事时,其实就是在谈论他不断成长的过程。并非所有的成功人士都值得尊敬,除非他有一个令人感动的成长过 程。

现在的年轻人只追求成功,不追求成长,这是令人悲哀的事情。这就像造一所房子,只追求房子的高度,却不努力把地基夯实,房子到了一定的高度必定轰然倒 塌。大学是一个人成长的最好时光,认真读书、独立思考、探索真知、广交挚友,让美好的青春留下一路成长的轨迹是令人着迷的一件事情。同时,前途的迷茫、失 恋的痛苦、人生的徘徊、现实的苦闷都是成长的一部分,也是成长的必经之路。可惜,现在的很多大学生认识不到这一点,他们选择用一种浅薄的方式——或打游戏 或上网——来刻意回避自己成长所必须经历的努力和痛苦。不过,任何逃避都只能是暂时的,现在的一时逃避通常意味着未来以成倍的努力和痛苦来偿还。我见过太 多的人,由于在大学时不愿意主动成长,不追求知识,不丰富自己的心灵,不思考自己的人生,结果走上社会后变成了毫无用处的人,在社会的边缘游荡,不能融入 社会,也不被社会所接纳。

只追求成长,不追求成功,让成功成为成长的必然结果——这就是通往成功的最正确的道路。所谓的“只问耕耘,不问收获”其实表达的也是同样的意思:耕耘 是不断的成长,收获是必然的结果;如果我们只向往结果,人生必然拔苗助长,最后枯萎而。我们都见过飞舞的蝴蝶,在展翅飞翔的一刻,她是如此美丽,但请别 忘了,在美丽的背后,她曾经有过毛毛虫笨拙的爬行、蛹化成蝶的辛劳和痛苦。







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