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A Fox, just at the time of the vintage, stole into a vine-yard where the ripe sunny Grapes were trellised up on high in most tempting show. He made many a spring and a jump after the luscious prize, but, failing in all his attempts, he muttered as he retreated:"Well what does it matter! The Grapes are sour!"


vain 虚荣的,徒劳的

jackdaw 八哥,寒鸦

peacock 孔雀

with the greatest assurance 满怀信心地

falling upon 攻击

sent him about his business 把他赶出去

drummed...out 逐出

read him this lecture 教训他

chastisement 惩罚


A jackdaw, as vain and conceited as jackdaw could be, picked up the feathers which some peacocks had shed, stuck them amongst his own, and despising his old companions, introduced himself with the greatest assurance into a flock of those beautiful birds .They, instantly detecting the intruder, stripped him of his borrowed plumes, and falling upon him with their beaks sent him about his business .The unlucky jackdaw, sorely punished and deeply sorrowing, betook himself to his former companions, and would have flocked with them again as if nothing had happened .But they, recollecting what airs he had given himself, drummed him out of their society, while one of those whom he had so lately despised, read him this lecture :"Had you been contented with what nature made you, you would have escaped the chastisement of you r betters and also the contempt of you r equals。”


in the great agony 极其痛苦

with seeming indignation 充满怒气

hinting at 暗示


Three bulls fed in a field together in the greatest peace and amity .A lion had long watched them in the hope of making prize of them, but found that there was little chance for him so long as they kept all together .He therefore began secretly to spread evil and slanderous reports of one against the other ,till he had formented a jealousy and distrust amongst them . No sooner did the lion see that they avoided one another ,and fed each by himself apart ,than he fell upon them ,and so made an easy prey of them all.

The quarrels of friends are the opportunities of foes.


jeer at 嘲笑

tortoise 乌龟

go off 离开

usual steady pace 平时的稳定的步伐

over-take 超过,赶上

plod on 沉重地向前



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