妈妈的一天英语作文 小学生(妈妈的一天英语作文用第三人称)

妈妈的一天英语作文 小学生(妈妈的一天英语作文用第三人称)

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妈妈的一天英语作文 小学生(妈妈的一天英语作文用第三人称)

妈妈的一天英语作文 小学生【一】

首先,要有高尚的人格。作为一名创新型教师要能够安贫乐教,甘于奉献。人民教育 家陶行知先生留美归国后,拒绝高官厚禄,创办乡村师范,他赤着脚,穿草鞋,与学生一起种菜、施肥,把每一分钱都用在教育事业上,甚至把文稿的收入也用来教育孩子。他以“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”的高尚人格,在人们的心中树立了一座晶莹的师德丰碑。其次,对学生要倾注全心的爱。第一,教师对待学生要有一颗博爱之心。第二,教师对学生要以诚相待,以自己的真情去感动学生。老师必须丢掉师德尊严的“面具”,不能以虚言欺骗学生。第三,教师爱心应表现在对待学生的宽容上。第四,教师的爱心表现在对待学生的责任感上。

妈妈的一天英语作文 小学生【二】

"Treasure ink garden" this name is how to come, I asked my father and mother, but they are not too clear, so I found the Internet to treasure the edge of the ink garden. The package at temple was built in the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing years, is enshrined in the light Song Ming Chen, Bao Zheng. There is a flood in the Xijiang River, there is a black wood drifting to the village, they put it back in the river, who knows the downstream water, the wood back to the village. When this happens again and again, people find it very strange and consecrate the black wood. Jiaqing four years the court to exterminate the corrupt He Shen, the society set off anti-corruption of the wind. As a result, people naturally want to get like that to clean Bao governance officials. Put the wood carved like BaoQingTian, build package at. The package at baomo garden predecessor.

There are many baomo garden Koi, we bought a bag of feed into a koi, the door to see there are many Koi under the bridge. We stand on the side of the bridge into the water with a feed, some from our past news Koi wags its tail to swim over, see here are also other Koi feed the gathering in crowds and groups swam, their mouths, tail slapping the water, as if eager to feed them we'll plant more points, very energetic.

Go down as if you are in the ancient garden, everywhere south of the Five Ridges classical architecture, bridges, will reveal pavilions, terraces and open halls, the heritage of Chinese culture, which baomo garden there are many precious cultural relics, there are many different periods of jade collection, calligraphy and painting etc.

妈妈的一天英语作文 小学生【三】


妈妈的一天英语作文 小学生【四】


妈妈的一天英语作文 小学生【五】



妈妈的一天英语作文 小学生【六】

妈妈的一天英语作文 小学生【七】

The start of this year's first class show strong,unusually brilliant.China's first female astronaut liu Yang first appeared as a guest speaker,she spoke about full of poetry,vivid tells the story of the beauty of the space,the beauty of the earth,at the same time also tells the story after she returned to the earth the beauty of human nature,tender feeling and touching.

Said liu himself in the space,more was shocked by the beauty of the earth,"this generation inhabit our planet,in the boundless universe should appear so magnificent,so dazzling,she segmental arc edge is visible,covered with a layer of blue and white halo,sunlight cast in the sea deep shallow blue,vein and clear,clear long coastline.The earth is so beautiful,exquisite planet,in a dark universe,quietly coruscate gives a dreamy,blue light,like a Mosaic on the black velvet of the sapphire,it is a kind of beyond the beauty of language.It is my home,where are my dearest friends and family,at that moment,I was so far away from the earth,but it is so close to".

Liu Yang can't wait to return to the bosom of the earth in space,"after such a trip to space,saw the smallness of the earth,to better understand the earth's greatest; left earth,and realize the dependence on the planet is infinite,infinite love.I love the sunshine here,love the fresh air here,love the pure water here,love the rivers and lakes here,love the mountains,plains,love live here diverse species,love living here we human beings".

The most beautiful,brought color to our life,warm every hurt heart,healing,gives people hope,the future and courage,they are the most beautiful,is also the most lovely!


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