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This "celebrity biography" is about the tribulations and difficulties of the three famous men on the road to fame, from the power of persistence to the disintegration of power even to despair. They abandoned a lot of love and friendship on the way to fame. Finally, they set foot on the road to success.

The first is a belief that, suffering from pain, still does not put down music -- Beethoven. Although he was deaf, he said proudly, "listen to my heart music, you don't understand how I feel! A band can only play music that I expect to write in a minute!" Yeah! His music set of classicism is the beginning of romanticism, and its creation reflects the progressive thoughts of the rising period of the bourgeoisie.

Then a tragic, still sculptural belief - Michelangelo. His pain came from human malice. He was born to fight, to conquer! It is precisely because of this that his artistic creation has been deeply influenced, often with the realism of the civil class at the time of the patriotism and freedom of the struggle of the spirit of the painting. This kind of cup is presented in grand and magnificent form, and his hero is both an ideal symbol and a reflection of reality.

The last is a mirror that Lenin once called "the Russian revolution." Looking around Tolstoy's life, he was not only a literary giant, but also the narrative of life, religion, and society that made him a world-leading thinker. Tolstoy never laid down his obsession with the meaning of life.






走过长廊,我们就来到了假山。假山上有很多通道,但都通向山顶的敖包,总会有人来到这里,献上一条哈达。走下山,跃过小桥,就到了一个游乐场,这里有蹦蹦床,过山车,还可以到这里来划船,这里是小朋友们,节假日里最爱来的地方,也是大人们放松心情的地方。炎炎夏日,每个人都是大汗淋淋,在 每年夏天的晚上八点,在成吉思汗广场尽头的喷泉会在音乐声中喷出,让人们感到一丝凉爽。 在成吉思汗广场的东侧是一个卖古玩和天然石料的小市场,这里买的都是做工精巧的瓷器和璀璨的宝石,每一个瓷器都是做工精细,,构思巧妙,有憨态可掬的小少爷,有水墨丹青的青花瓷器,有调皮可爱的欢天喜地,更有栩栩如生的喜鹊报春。这个镂空的笔筒的做工更是精湛,它是先在一块玉上刻出《清明上河图》的样子,,在用一个玻璃罩把里面的东西罩住,可以旋转,即做工精致,又美观实用,可以当生活用品,又可以当家居摆设,代表了中国的悠久历史,灿烂文化,是我国的文化瑰宝。还有妙趣横生的袋袋福,袋袋福谐音‘代代福’是一个大仙拖着三个口袋,三个小孩趴在口袋上,口袋上写着袋袋福


"Celebrity biography" perfectly confirms the old adage of Chinese people: the people of ancient and modern times are not only talented but also resilient. Romain rolland holds the three artists in their respective fields together to restore the high morality of 20th century literature and restore its colorful character. Beethoven from flash light to enjoy the reputation of the peak to the bottom of your life, poor tragic from childhood to old age in the pursuit of happiness the twists and turns of life, just as the Roman. Roland described as "his whole life was like a thunderstorm day". From it, I realized that Beethoven has always been in the struggle against the fate, and ideological struggle, even though he gives a person a sense of pride, but his heart a fragile, a strong, are people who do not know him unable to dig. The passion for creating the perfect song, the dedication to seeking joy, and the perfect encounter, made his life become a force of nature. A primitive force between the rest of the ingredients of that kind of engagement with nature, the Homer epic spectacle ", he in his own misery in casting, joy "with joy" pain is sufficient to enrich his life. Michelangelo was not "he is powerful, he was born to fight, to conquer, and he conquered -- he did not win." That's not what he's looking for." He was a spiritual aristocrat, a genius, but he was troubled by genius, and his spirit and soul were powerless. This crazy spark exists in an overly effeminate body and mind that cannot control its terrible life. From this I can see that his life is a sacred pain

As long as we understand the "celebrity biography to our high sublimation, and make the hero of the blood is in front of us at the moment, the hero of the red flag flutters on our heads, we will feel slowly, in the people from the sublime, farewell, lofty and the mediocre society, our soul has also been sublimed as a.





亲爱的张老师,如果您可以当我姐姐的话,那我就高兴得疯掉了!!!现在是白天吗?哦,那我就是白日做梦了!bye bye,张老师!眼睛酸了吧,呵呵!




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