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People who make extraordinary deeds in ordinary jobs are heroes, and although they are ordinary people, what they do is extraordinary...... In our alley, there is such a rush of old rubbish cart cleaners. He is about more than 60 years old, short, thin body, back slightly bent, deeply wrinkled face have experienced years of wind and frost. She always wears a gray mask, wearing a soiled underwear and a pair of old shoes.

Whether it is summer or winter, every morning, the old cleaners will time came to the house a small alley, a hand holding the old cattle, a hand holding a bell, "jingle bell, jingle bell......" The rhythmic shaking, greeting people will soon send out the garbage, the old cattle seems very sensible, always step by step to neither fast nor slow walking, lest waste fell from the car, whenever I go to the end of a dustpan to trash, old cleaners always smiled and said to me: "little heart don't dirty your clothes." Then silent took the dustpan, help me put the rubbish into the car.

On one occasion, I accidentally fell, garbage thrown out of the car. The old cleaner to make no reply to pick me up, look at my hurt no, for me to take the dirt, and then removed from the car a broom and a dustpan to sweep the floor on the garbage. Sweep away the rubbish. After sweeping the rubbish out of the floor and pouring it into the car, he said to me, "be careful later, or you'll hurt yourself."." He shook the bell to get the cart neither fast nor slow going forward......

"Jingle bell, jingle bell......" Every morning, the bell rang in the lane, and the short, skinny camel with the cow was on the spot, repeating his monotonous, simple movements......" What an old man he is! I said. Although his work is very ordinary, but showed his mediocrity and extraordinary......



到 了敬老院,我们看见了一栋占地约三十平方米的长满青苔的“小青瓦”。“那就是大厅。”何老师锁着眉头说,神情露出到达的喜悦与淡淡的怜悯交杂……等了许 久,怎么不见老人们呢?突然,一行去的同学扶着老人从右旁幽静的树林中走出来。这时,我才发现除了我和几个举大队旗的哥哥,其余人都去老人们的.住处扶老人 了。只见一位老人目光黯淡,脸上毫无光泽,松弛的皮肤,密布的皱纹,在三位同学的搀扶下一步一步地向前挪去,后面有二十来位老人缓缓地跟着。

我 们踩着泥巴到了阴暗的大厅。狭小的空间散发着酸臭味,四五个长椅占了三分之二的空间。坐在长椅上,椅子“吱吱嘎嘎”地响。老人们坐在长椅上,等待着我们为 他们准备的节目。我忽然注意到了那一双双带点浑浊的眼有着我意想不到的期盼。三年级的小朋友表演了一个小品,那滑稽的动作把许多老人都得哈哈大笑,风干的 橘子似的脸上皱纹立即舒展开来,像一朵朵怒放的花朵。四、五年级学生代表们朗诵得十分好,琅琅的声音在这简陋的大厅里回响。轮到我们六年级了,我们完美地 将唱和朗诵结合在一起,“唱诵”著名的诗人苏轼写的《水调歌头》。老人们那陶醉的样子好像在听音乐会,不知不觉地摇头晃脑。高中部的大哥哥大姐姐表演了鲁 迅的《呐喊》中的孔乙己。他们逼真的表演赢得了热烈的掌声……


我 们到了老人的住处打扫卫生。唯一的一名“警卫”用鼻子嗅了嗅,冲我们“汪汪”地叫了几声。屋子里三分之一的地方被两张有着十年历史的单人床占据着,一个一 米多高的衣柜静静地站立在墙的一角。虽然简陋,倒也很干净。老人们乐呵呵地走进来,说:“有了这么多人的关心,我们一定会过得越来越舒心。你们可真是学习 雷锋的好榜样啊!”



In life, there are many people who are contributing to society. An angel who works like a policeman and works for the flower of life. But the person I most want to praise is a cleaner.

Every morning, when I had just had breakfast, I heard a "whizz" sound on the road behind the wall. The voices were unfurled by the dustmen of the dustmen. The dustmen sweep the dirt on the road to clean up the waste water and ensure the cleanliness of the roads. They are not afraid of hardship, not afraid of fatigue, just to make the vehicles safe passage.

When I was out of school in the afternoon, the cleaners were shuttling back and forth between asphalt and asphalt, collecting the rubbish left by the passengers. Then pour buckets of water on the road, and then sweep the dirt and waste together with dirty water.

Many cleaners start early, early and late, do the same work every day, and cause back pain. The eyes had been spent, but they had no complaints. I really want to praise them. They are the best. Work silently, like the poem of the poet in the southern song dynasty, "make a hundred flowers to make a secret, for who will be the best for the sweet." It's the bees that make the honey, and the cleaners are the bees that work silently.


In this world, there are a lot of people, who like to pursue the fame and fortune, and spend money like a magnificent villa, enjoying prosperity and wealth. But there is a person, is very different with these people, they do not want to enjoy the wealth, they work hard every day quietly pay, no return, because the world has them, so we can be so perfect.

Among these people, the cleaner is the best example. Some of the sweep road cleaner, for fear of the vehicle is too much, so I have to early in the morning, just open your sleep, street sweeping the floor, and they work very dangerous, because they are likely to be of the car a hit, died. Personnel and a clean, also often wander in the line of death, at any time may cross the line of death, this kind of cleaner, is responsible for cleaning up underground ditch, we absolutely do not think that sweeps the floor under the ditch, just swept the dirt out, actually these cleaning staff, must face the test of death, because they may at any time step into deep does not see the bottom concave hole, is more terrible, they may die because of biogas, so sweeping down the ditch, is also a very dangerous job. Among all the cleaners, building glass, is one of the most dangerous, because the cleaners, may be a pendant, hell, because usually is to brush a few floors of the glass, so don't fell dead, also was frightened to death, so building glass cleaners, is a very dangerous job, a forbidding place.

Although these people do not attract attention, but their credit, but higher than the sky, the sea is still deep, and their labor and resentment spirit, more straight us study.


Like worker ants for ant nests, out for food, protect the nest from other animals, work day and night. They is such that anyone who is regarded as rubbish things, they will be removed, so the protection of the street, so clean alleyway, so hard work, never a word, this silent is a group of a brave man, in my mind as a dustman.

Cleaners of maintaining a clean and tidy streets every day, early in the morning the sun has not yet been probe, to all the night, when people are still in the sweet sleep, cleaner has been greatly small streets, and even troubled cleaning to do their own on the highway. They do not complain because of their filth, and do not retreat from the stench, and do not retreat from danger. They suffer from dust, suffer from drunks, and suffer from diseases. Such sacrifice is said to be the brave man of the brave.

Once, when I was in an elevator, there are a pair of mother and child in the same elevators and a dressed in shabby clothes, hand cart full of clean appliance cleaner, mother gushing tell children in the elevator, want to have a read, don't like the "cleaner" after growing up, down and out. In the face of this vitriolic speech, the cleaner's head is silent, but silently absorb... . , on general social widespread discrimination cleaners, it seems that the mention of "cleaner", and "unclean", "dirty" and "disgusting" of the adjectives in the equal sign, often with a strange look cleaner, eyes filled with contempt and disgust, but their efforts for the street; The giving of people; The dedication to society, the thought and the spirit, is definitely more qualified to be called "the brave" than many industries in society.

Cleaners seem small, but these small screws, less gear will be messed up the whole society rhythm, they're a little giant may be poor in money matter, poor but never mind, for me, they are always respected "brave".


When the rain pours down to the ground, and when the bitter wind blows to the ground, and when the strong sunlight shines on the earth, we sit at home and enjoy the happiness comfortably. The cleaner braved the cold and worked out the heat.

That day, in the distance came the deafening thunder, followed by a little bit of "beads" to the ground. I woke up from my dream and looked out. The sky was asleep. An old woman was walking in the darkness, with no trace of black hair in her hair, and her trembling lips were extraordinarily clear. The wind roared, raindrops falling, but the old woman was holding a broom, diligently, in the rain without complaint work.

A big truck was racing along in the rain, past the granny, and the water splashed up on the granny. But the old woman was not worried at all. She was not angry at all. She patted the rain on her raincoat and went on sweeping. Suddenly, in my heart, cleaners become tall and clinking.

The rain bigger, like off the Xinjiang Mustang scurrying around the old grandmother's clothes were wet, she dragged his heavy steps towards the roof, to avoid the rain. This scene show in my eyes, in my head out of the spider web scenario: spider web again and was blown off, every blow off the net, it will patiently to mend their nets. I don't know what kind of perseverance the spider has in mind, so that he can not be frightened by the spider net that breaks again and again. But it is precisely because of this belief that the spider can make his net so strong.

The old grandmother is precisely because of this determination, not afraid of hardship, not tired. The rain stopped and the old grandmother stepped on the road to work. She used her pair of hands full of cocoons to serve everyone and created a beautiful environment with her own hands.

Looking at the figure of grandma leaving, I thought to myself: "Zhou Yang, such a talented person, deserves our cheering for her."!


星期一早上7点整我跟楼下的阿姨跟弟弟一起驱车驶往东和乡敬老院在那儿我们碰到了一米阳光爱心社的叔叔阿姨,他们大包小包的带了很多东西,我一看有芹菜、 饺子皮、五花肉、酱油……原来叔叔阿姨是要包饺子啊!可是我不会包啊,怎么办呢?阿姨好像看出了我的难题过来对我说:“小朋友,没关系,阿姨等一下会教你 的'!”我心里的一块大石头就放下了!

这时,我看到了一位姐姐在拿热水壶,我便走过去问她:“姐姐你要去干吗?”那位姐姐对我说:“我要去给爷爷奶奶洗脚,要不你跟我一起吧!”我说:“好 啊!”姐姐要我去拿一个盆子接点凉水,我便拿到卫生间去接凉水,没想到见到一位奶奶上厕所差点摔跤,我立马去把他扶起来。那位奶奶拍拍我的手说:“小朋 友,你真好,比我亲孙女都好!”我说:“怎么可能呢,奶奶那是您孙女啊,来奶奶我们去洗脚吧!”“小朋友,谢谢你啊,真不知道该怎样谢你!”“奶奶,不用 谢,我们过会还给你们包饺子呢!”“谢谢你们”奶奶对我说。


后来,我们一起为爷爷奶奶包了饺子,连不会包饺子的我都学了好多包饺子的方法呢!我可开心了呢,最后我问爷爷奶奶们,你们过年在哪儿过呢?爷爷奶奶说在这 儿过。我说:“那你们那些儿女呢?”“我们的儿女都不比这儿的阿姨好,等会搞半天还得把我们给送回来,还不如不去呢!”我的心突然凉了半截好像突然凉了半 截。既然有子女怎么就不把自己家老人领回家呢!自己家父母生你养你到他们这个年纪就把他们给丢在这儿……



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