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The Children's Park

A new park for children has beenset up to welcome' the coming of Children's Day,

The park is in the south of our city, covering an area of 500 mu. Entering the park you can see statues of children in different races, hand in hand,which is the symbol of the world peace. In the middle is a lake, around Which are all kinds of trees and flowers. There are many boats on the take and some children are boating happily, To the south of the lake is a hill with a lot of monkeys on it. The Children's Pa]ace lies to the east, in which all kinds of exhibitions are on show. To the west of the lake is a place for children to play, where there are many recreational facilities.

I'm sure the children in our city will have a happy festival this year.







一年一度的神户灯节,都会吸引大量的市民及周边城市的游客前来观赏。灯节持续10天左右。为了确保其安全,顺利的进行,安保成了灯节的一项重要工作,也是困扰神户市政厅的一大难题。如此大规模的灯展,需要大量的安全保障人员,而仅仅依靠神户市警察署有限的警力显然是不足的。因此,每年灯节或其它的重大活动神户市的安保部门都会向社会招聘大量的警备人员。然而,这对于受"少子化"问题困扰,劳动力日益短缺的日本来讲,并不是一件容易的事情。 2007年的神户灯节,是我来日本之后经历的第二次灯节。我象往常一样,边上学边打工。不过灯节也成了我们纷纷议论的话题。就在灯节开始举办的前一天晚上,接到一个朋友的电话称灯展的主半方正在招聘警备人员,一个小时的工资是1200日圆,对日语及其它方面的能力没有什么要求,并征询我是否愿意去.1200日圆这样高的时给在神户是较少见的,特别是对外国人来讲,还是有很大吸引力的。但是让我感到不可思议的是,在日本,这样一个特殊的行业居然也向外国人开放(虽然没有特别禁止,但是他们接受留学生从事这样的工作,显然是一种疏忽,是不正常的`现象。日本劳动力的短缺程度由此可见一斑。尽管在时间方面与我原来打工的时间发生了冲突,但我还是请了一天的假去体验一下。 那天下午,我们提前半个小时到约定的地点集合。和我在一块的还有3名中国留学生,其中还包括一女生。我们和日本人一样穿上他们发给的制服,类似于中国保安的服装。所以从表面上看,没有人会怀疑我们是外国人。在开始工作之前,全体警备人员在一个广场前集合。总共约200人。分成两个方正,一个是"正规军"的日本警察,另一个就是我们这些从社会上招聘的"杂牌部队"。全体警备人员按顺序列队入场。我们4个中国留学生站在会场的最角落。集合完毕后,一个领导模样的警察走上主席台,接着台下每个队列的领队依次向这位领导敬礼并做简短报告,尽管我当时还听不大懂他们的所报告的内容,但是作为军人出生的我,这样的场景不仅使我回想起部队的生活,也在我内心也发出阵阵感慨,没想到当了两年兵在日本却派上了用场。然而,令我感到尴尬的事情却发生在后面。 我们4个人的执勤地点被安排在神户最繁华的三宫站附近。这里人来人玩,车水马龙。很多从外地来看灯展的游客都会经过这里,所以为他人指路成了我们"分内"的事。然而,刚刚来到日本一年的我,日语水平还是相当有限的。所以我当时已经预见到,将要发生的"尴尬局面"。我当时一直在想,要是有人向我问路,如果我听不懂或听懂了但是不知道怎么回答(即使会讲,人家也会看出来你是外国人,那该怎么办呢?我该如何面对这样的局面。一个中国留学生在日本当保安,也时对我来讲并没什么。但是对日本人来讲,让我们这些外国人为他们保障安全,他们会怎么想的。这样的心理矛盾一直伴随着整个执勤过程。我所担心的情形都遇到了。如果仅仅从工作上来讲,我觉得是一个很有意思的体验。但如果从性质上来讲,不乏尴尬甚至是悲哀的事情.


it is to play game next, some classmates were washed out too quickly because of speed, really regretful, between the process that plays game, a classmate at the back of me tosses paper to me here come, just was seen by the teacher, call him to go on the floor pick up of a piece of a piece of ground comes, this calls be apt to to have cable of be apt to, sow the wind and reap the whirlwind, ah. today‘s program was finished, the teacher says with us: want to hold pleasance activity afternoon, everybody should get ready, certificate of merit also is afternoon reappearance.what meaning is pleasance activity?

we go to school afternoon, the table that sees us runs to the side, be to should play game so, when attending class, the teacher prepared a lot of ping-pongs, use those who play game, the first group game regulation is: use 3 ping-pongs to cast in t the case, in casting even if win. the 2nd group game regulation is: take bat of a ping-pong, a ping-pong is above, put the table tennis ball in ping-pong bat above, should from pass among two chairs, who holds to terminus, who calculates win. began to play, i play the first group first, took 3 table tennises, i begin to cast, the first ball was entered originally, but be received,that classmate of the ball gives catching, i ask this ball does not calculate the teacher, the teacher says not to calculate actually, if calculate can get a candy.









Tomorrow is June 1 children's day, mother specially bought me the new pencil sharpeners. I like it very much, because it is the shape of the apple, I love to eat apple. It has three characteristics: first, it is not easy broken, second, to save time, the third, energy saving. Whenever my pencil with coarse, my pencil will counter rotating pen knife said: "big brother pencil sharpeners, would you please help me to cut his head." Pencil sharpeners, said: "no problem, this is my best talents." Pencil sharpeners have an assistant, is me.

I put a shorter pencil pencil plugged holes, then use the hand a shake, and finally, intact pencil is completed. Pencil sharpeners is my good friend.


Children Day is coming. I'm very happy. I'm going to have a happy Children's Day. First,I'm going to the bookstore. I'm going to buy some comic books. Then , I'm going to my grandparents' home. I'm going to have a big dinner with my grandparents. And I'm going to watch TV with them, too. Oh, my Children Day! Come on. I can't wait.


The movie《The Pursuit of Happiness》is a story about that a father never give up and succeed in the end.

In the movie the father told his son that if you have a dream you should protect it and never give it up. It impressed me a lot. No matter how hard the life was, the father never leave his son, his family or his brief behind. Even they had to spend the night by living in the park or a public toilet.

The movie taught me a lot about the sprit of never give up and insist. After watching it,I learned that catch every chance what I meet and be active to the life. And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable. “Think, tough life experiences, always make a great person!”


In China, Children's Day is celebrated on June 1 and is formally known as “the June 1 International Children's Day”.

Schools usually hold activities such as camping trips or free movies on Children's Day to allow students to have fun, and children might also receive small gifts from the government. Entrance ceremonies of the Young Pioneers of China are usually held on June 1 as well. In China, it is a big day for children.

On June 1, except join some activities, their parents also take children to parks or fairground to have fun, and then have a big dinner. In general, McDonald's and KFC are the most popular.


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