

首页写人更新时间:2024-03-30 20:16:28


Dear David:

I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7, December sooner, but when I have told you the reason, I trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. When your letter arrived, I was just in Hong Kong. As my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when I took it up. Now the first thing I have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to express my deep regret.

I enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. I shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when I see you next.

Sincerely yours,



头发: 怎么啦,我招你惹你了吗?


头发: 你越说我越糊涂,我到底怎么啦?有话就直说,用不着那么生气嘛。


头发: 这能怪我吗?我也不愿意这样,我也爱美,我更想让自己漂亮。变成这原因都在你,我不找你,你倒找我,真是猪八戒倒打一耙。

陈育情: 什么?原因在我?你有没有搞错?简直是强词夺理。

头发: 那么气急败坏干吗?你听我说,这发质不好,一半是你家族的遗传基因不好。我问 你,你爸爸、妈妈头发是不是也不好?




头发:冤枉啊!太冤枉了!我比窦娥还冤啦!我可不是在故意捣乱,这都是“断裂”惹的祸。而断裂的.原因还是你造成的,营养不良是一方面,不讲卫生是另一方面。每次给我洗 澡,都很马虎,随便湿一下,就算完事。这我还不说,最让我不能忍受的是,你有时竟然两个星期不给我洗澡,让我脏得都长虱子了!还有,还有梳头时,乱拉乱扯,让我身心饱受摧残。哎,真是越说越伤心!

陈育情: 哎呀,看来我真冤枉你了,都是我不好好保护你而造成今天的后果。对不起,对 不起!别生我的气啊!对了,那我以后该怎么做呢?

头发:你还真是知错能改,我不会生气的。你只要多吃水果蔬菜,不挑食,补充营养,经常给我好好洗澡,我们俩就不会互相埋怨,就会你好,我也好。小主人,你可要听我的建议, 我的命运可掌握在你手中呀。




Dear Miss Morgan,

(1 I am so sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to attend the lecture on American history tomorrow afternoon. (2 Now, I’m writing this letter to show my deep regret (3 I do hope you can understand me and excuse me for my absence.

(4 I will be very grateful if you are kind to listen to my explanation. (5 The reason for my absence is that my uncle is returning home from France, and I have promised to meet him at the airport at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. (6 Therefore, I will have to give up attending your lecture tomorrow afternoon.

(7I wonder if it is possible for lecture to be recorded, and if so, could I borrow the tape? Sincerely yours Li Hua



I am terrible sorry for not having attended your class on time. Because I had got a headache for several days and it is my first time to live in Chongqing and I can not suit for the weather here quickly.

To be honestly, I like learning English very well and I have made my mind to learn it well both on spoken English and on written English. I think you will be my best teacher to help me improving my English Level. So I apologize again for my not attend your class. I will make my great effort on English in the future and will not make you disappointment next time!

Excuse me for my unintentional fault!

Sincerely yours,



dear david:

i am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7, december sooner, but when i have told you the reason, i trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. when your letter arrived, i was just in hong kong. as my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when i took it up. now the first thing i have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to express my deep regret.

i enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. i shall be pleased to give you an account to of them when i see you next.

sincerely yours,



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