

首页叙事更新时间:2023-06-17 08:39:04


Today,early in the morning,when I woke up,I found it was later for half an hour than I usually did.Then I remembered that I didn’t set up the morning call last night.So I just grabbed some bread and rushed to the bus station.The bus seemed always not appearing when I needed it.Finally,I took on a bus,then I felt so relieved,because I wouldn’t be late for school.Suddenly,the bus stopped and the driver told us to change another bus,because there was something wrong with the wheels.I was so worried.When I arrived school,I was late.It was such a bad day for me.




晚上,我走在回家的路上,天仿佛格外的蓝,花儿仿佛格外的美丽,我的心也格外的高兴,看见了同学笑容就像花儿在脸上绽放.回到家后,我打开电视,去听到了一个不幸的'消息,天气预报说周日可能下雨.我急忙打电话告诉大家,周日可能下雨,大家心里都很着急.周日的野餐怎么办呢?我的心好像被刀割了一样. 星期六晚上,我看见天上没有一丝乌云,我想:明天肯定不会下雨.于是,我又打电话告诉大家:明天不会下雨,可以去野餐.好让大家可以玩得安心.

星期天,我们一起来到公园里,大家在草地上铺上一块布,同学们坐在上面,吃自己买来的零食,在一起欢蹦乱跳的玩耍,心里可高兴了! 今天的野餐有趣极了!


Many of my classmates have a puter,I have one too.My father bought it for me as a present when my first year in middle school.He said I can study English with puter.Most of the time,I use puter to search study materials on the internet.I also have some foreign friends on the internet,we can talk in English.Sometimes I play video game with puter after I finish my homework.My puter helps me a lot,it is a good friend to me.



English is very important today,we have English classes in school every day.How do I study English? In the morning before I go to school,I will listen to the English text recording,follow the recording to read the text.And before the class in the school,we will have an English words dictation.After school I will do some English homework.In the evening,before I go to bed,I will listen to the English channel on the radio to improve my listening.I also have some foreign net friends,we can talk in English on line so I can practice my speaking.These are how I study English.







I will bee a high school student this September.I am a little bit nervous about it.I have to do well in the high school entrance exam to enter a good high school.I will go to a different school,make new friends.Most of all,I heard that there are much more courses in high school,I will be very busy in studying.I have been visiting a high school,there were many text books and papers on the desks in the class room.But I also saw the students in the high school were very active to join the extracurricular activities after school.They had football and basketball matches,singing conferences,painting and calligraphy exhibitions and so on.So I am looking forward to be a high school student.



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