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The earliest reports of people enjoying flavored ice desserts come from the Romans and the Chinese. Marco Polo returned from his famous expedition with fruit-flavored ices, reporting that Asians had been making them for thousands of years. These delicacies became popular in France in the 1500s, but only among royalty. Over the next few centuries, the process of making them evolved from hauling mountain ice to salt/ice freezing methods. Cream was introduced as an ingredient, and by the 1700s, people were enjoying a dessert that was very similar to today's ice cream.

The hand-cranked ice cream freezer was first developed by Nancy Johnson in 1846. Ice was readily available from large warehouses in that era, so ice cream became a treat that could be enjoyed by almost anyone, not just the rich. Ice cream making was revolutionized again in 1851, when Jacob Fussel started the first wholesale ice cream manufacturing operation in Baltimore, Maryland. Fussel's dairy business had excess cream and he couldn't figure out what to do with it. He tried using it to make ice cream, and before long his ice cream business outsold the rest of the dairy.

The business slowly evolved for the next few decades. Manufacturing methods and ingredients improved, while refrigeration technology became cheaper and more efficient. By the 1920s, home refrigerators and freezers became more common, which gave the ice cream industry another boost. Sugar was rationed in the US during World War I, but the ice cream industry convinced the government that ice cream was an "essential food”. Ice cream factories were allotted sugar rations and production continued.

Ice cream increased in popularity until the Depression years caused a drop in sales for virtually all non-essential goods. Sales increased in the years leading up to World War II before leveling off in the post-war years. The rise of the giant supermarket created demand for cheaper, mass-produced ice cream, but quality suffered. The 1960s saw a resurgence in "premium"ice cream, while the following decades saw the market fragment into low-fat varieties for the health-conscious, including frozen yogurt, fruit bars, ice milk, fat-free ice cream, and dozens of other varieties. However, ice cream still makes up about 60 percent of the market share among frozen desserts. While ice cream is enjoyed worldwide, it has become an American tradition










做什么呢?我看了看胸前的.红领巾,它早已不是红旗的一角了,倒像是从煤灰堆里拣来的,都变成了“黑领巾”了。为了不让“大臣”们回来唠叨我,就先把这条“黑领巾”处理一下吧! 回想着“大臣”妈妈洗衣服的顺序 ,我拿来了一个空盆子,拧开了水龙头,准备接点水,由于水开得过大,“哗”的一下溅了我一身,顿时我成了名副其实的“落汤鸡”。唉,这看似简单的事,到我手里就变得如此艰难。我吸取刚才的教训,把水龙头开得很小,功夫不负有心人,水终于接满了。我连忙拿起红领巾,投入清水中,也许因为太脏了,红领巾怎么也沉不下去,我只好把它往水里摁,它总算被浸湿了。然后,我用肥皂把红领巾均匀地抹了一遍,认真地搓洗起来,一下,两下,把我这双娇嫩的“玉手”都搓红了,红领巾还是一片黑一片红,我生气极了,一下子把它扔进了水盆里。可是,做事不能半途而废呀,我可不想让“大臣”们笑话。于是,我又拿起红领巾仔细地揉着、搓着。

不一会儿,红领巾恢复了它原来的面貌。啊!总算洗干净了。我直起身子,看着鲜艳的红领巾,那高兴劲就别提了! 通过这次做家务,我了“大臣”们的辛苦。我这个“皇帝”也应该做一些力所能及的事了。


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