how to save water英语作文80词(save the earth英语作文80词)

how to save water英语作文80词(save the earth英语作文80词)

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how to save water英语作文80词(save the earth英语作文80词)

how to save water英语作文80词【一】













how to save water英语作文80词【二】



how to save water英语作文80词【三】


该词意为by means of , by reason of this, by this agreement,“特此”,“因此”,“兹”,“在此”。此词常用作法律、经贸文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语,在合同条款中需特别强调时也可用,表示当事人借此合约,要宣示某种具有法律效力的“意思表示”,如保证、同意、放弃权利等,一般放于主语后,紧邻主语。如:The Company hereby covenants and warrants that…… 意为:By this agreement the Company covenants and warrants that……即:公司在此保证……再如:Both parties hereby agree that……意为:By this agreement both parties agree that……即:双方当事人在此同意……


该词意为:of this agreement,“关于此点”;“在本文件中”,表示上文已提及的“本合同的、本文件的……”,一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。如:to take effect on the date hereof 意为:to take effect on the date of this agreement 即:于本合约之日期生效。再如:the headings of the sections hereof 意为:the headings of the sections of this agreement 即:本合约各条款之标题。


该词意为:to this agreement,“至此”,“在此”,表示上文已提及的“本合同的……本文件的……”,一般置于要修饰的`名词的后面,与之紧邻。如:both parties hereto 意为both parties to this agreement,即本合约之当事人双方;items specified in Attachment I and hereto 意为:items specified in Attachment I to this agreement 即:本合约之附件I所列之各项。


该词意为:in this agreement,“此中”,“于此”,表示上文已提及的“本合同(中)的……,本法(中)的……”等,一般置于所修饰词后,紧邻所修饰词。如:to file a suit in the court agreed to herein 意为:to file a suit in the court agreed to in this agreement 即:向当事人于本合约中同意管辖的法院提起诉讼;再如:to follow the terms and conditions herein 意为:to follow the terms and conditions in this agreement,即:遵守本合约所规定的条件。


该词意为:later in the same Contract,“以下”,“在下文”,一般与to be referred to as, referred to as, called 等词组连用,以避免重复。


该词意为:under this agreement,“在本合约内”、“依据本合约”。如:obligations hereunder,意为obligations under this agreement,即“本合约内的义务”。再如:rights granted hereunder,意为rights granted under this agreement,即“依本合约所赋予的权利”。

how to save water英语作文80词【四】

Saving Priwate Ryan was directed bysteven spielberg-a very famous director.Leading actor was TomHanks,whose film we fimily with id Forrest Gump.The movie presentd a war that happenedin Normandy landings during WW2.When I saw the name of the film,Ithought Ryan was the leading actor,but he is not.In fact,the filmdiscribed more about the eight persons who save Ryan and how theydo.At the first,I want to introduceRyan.He has three brothers and he is the youngest.His brothers werekilled during the war and he was missing.Concidering abouthumanity,the leader ordered to find Ryan and take him home.Secondly,I introduce the team whichleaded by Tom Hanks.In this film there is about 30 minutes presentsthe violent war.We can see bullets whizzing by our heads and peoplelying on the floor with their guns hanging out.The eight personssurvived after the war ,but they have to follow the leaders orderto find Ryan and take him home.During the process they doubt if itwas worthful to use eight persons lives to save one,they areyounth,they are longly.they are afraid,they try to survive and theywant to go home.Finanally,Ryan was back home and six persons died

how to save water英语作文80词【五】

I love travelling. When I was young, my parents always took me to other places to visit, such as Beijing, Zhuhai and Guilin. But as I grow up, there s such a heavy study-pressure that I can hardly afford time and energy to travel. Fortunately, I can travel to a lot of far-away attractions in the fantastic world of books and TV. Recently I have learnt about Rio De Janeiro from books. I feel excited and want very much to travel there.

Rio De Janeiro lies along the coast of Atlantic Ocean. It s Brazil s second largest city. Firstly, I love the climate in Rio De Janeiro. Sea climate is comfortable and it never gets too dry or too wet. Secondly, I love the beautiful beaches. I always form a picture in my mind of being at the seaside. I imagine myself walking on the beach. The sunshine is mild in the late afternoon and I feel the soft wind moving across my face. I can see the sun moving slowly below the sea level, just like a hot, red ball falling into the water. Some seagulls are flying above the sea and others rest themselves on ship-boards. I take off my shoes. Soft sand flows through my toes. Little waves sometimes run towards me and wet my trousers, just like naughty children. I enjoy this feast for both my body and spirit. Now I know that the beauty of nature is the greatest beauty in the world.

Alone, I m just walking, walking and walking


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