

首页叙事更新时间:2024-05-21 16:28:54


I tried my best to calm down for a long time. Then I went to the platform to begin my prepared speech.

I felt my brain was blank when I was having my speech.

Before the election, I was confident for this position, but I still so nervous when I was in the platform. Thanks for preparing in advance; otherwise, I must be embarrassed. But the result was what I want. It’s a happy thing.



Given is a simple but thought-provoking remark: "it is unbelievable for people to believe what they should not believe: Internet rumors." Obviously, this saying can be naturally associated with the seriousness of rumors: if we intend to have a positive Internet environment, it is advisable to eliminate/refuse rumors.

In contemporary society, it has become a trend for individuals to surf the Internet for the information they need. Meanwhile, an increasing number of people find it rather difficult to distinguish the true news from rumors. Searching the Internet, we can notice a great many examples like this: false news, ads and pictures.Then, it is these rumors that lead the public to be cheated, confused and even panic. As a matter of fact, experts in large numbers have come to realize the importance of Internet honesty.

As a regular Internet surfer, I am convinced that it is of great necessity for government to punish rumor makers. Accordingly, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends, classmates and acquaintances to refuse making and spreading rumors. Sparing no efforts to do so, we will witness a hopeful and promising future of Internet life.


Last Saturday,with all my classmates and teachers,I went on a trip to the nature park .We departed from school at about half past seven and spent about 40 minutes travelling to our destination.When we first entered into the park,all of us were shocked by the natural beauty and the hamonized ecosystem of the park.Then,happily we were playing games on the sand; swimming in the pool and taking with our friends on the grassplot.After lunch break,our programs were continued with an contest of story narating held and each of us was immerging within the funny stories We left the part at about 5 o'clock,and unitl now,most of us are still haunted by the beautiful memory of that trip.




上午九时,开幕式的首都体育中心举行。首先映入眼帘的.是活泼可爱的少先队方队,他们抬着用纳米彩布制成的巨大吉祥物——美猴王绕场一周,它象征着和平、友谊、团结、公平。接着中学生方队,他们身着想56个民族服装,载歌载舞,体现了炎黄子孙团结一心、战无不胜的民族气节。然后,各代表团依进入会场,中文广播话音刚落,国际语翻译跟上“This is a Chanad”第三个进场的中国队,喇叭里英文翻译“This is a China”顿时,全场报以热烈的掌声,观众不约而同的站起来欢呼,整个会场沉浸在国歌的旋律中。这是,会场上再次响起雷鸣般的掌声,跨越五大洲的雅典火炬终于传到北京。我相信,熊熊燃烧的奥运圣火定会更好的彰显我华夏千载文明,也向世人昭示中国从此走上了体坛强国之路。




Perhaps there is something you don't know how to doTTn the past, you might turn to a friend or a relative, attend a night class or go to the local library to find the answer. But at present a lot of websites are springing np to offer free practical advice on these subjects aod actually anything else you can imagine.

Why is online learning so popular among people? The answer is obvious: online learning is nuich more convenient. In the past, you perhaps had to spend pienp of lime learning m a night class or going to the library to look for relevant materials. However, now when you run into a problem, yotijust need to click the mouse, then a lot of related websites will appear in front of you*

However, not all the materials on the Internet are correct; sometimes they are false. Thus, if you want to lcam something from the Internet, you should make sure what you will leam is completely correct.














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