

首页抒情更新时间:2023-06-28 02:45:35



有一天,美国政府给我发来一条电子信息:让我研究设计一种超强机器人,让它们去火星上维护治安。我想了一天一夜,终于初步构思出了这种超强机器人:一个正方形数据库脑袋,两根长长的信号天 线,头上戴着我刚研发的MVIP型战斗飞行帽,手臂是用GH钢铁制成的,两条胳膊上各有六个高科技小型导弹。它的肚子里功能更多,有通话器,饮料源和吃饭箱、、、、、、真是应有尽有。它的背上有 一个BDL氧气袋,腿是GH博士的新发明,V2电磁力超强战斗腿,上面还带着六颗威力巨大的Z3型超强导弹。大功告成后,我把超强机器人的资料传送给了美国政府,他们不太满意,一位哈佛大学的教授还 建议再给机器人配些装备。我冥思苦想,终于又想出了一些方法:将一位北京大学的教授发明的RS超强飞行加速器和一件黄金战斗服加到了机器人身上,又让宇宙工厂给机器人加工了一把战斗飞矛和副 八枪盾。美国政府的官员们看到我新改制的机器人,连声叫好、、、、、、




E-learning is a beautiful epidemic in the epidemic; caring is an eternal classic in life. ——Inscription


This years winter vacation is surprisingly long because of the epidemic. In order to let us "stop classes and never stop learning", teachers have become "anchor" or "customer service" online. For a while, online classes became a beautiful fashion, and the teachers help in the gap made students feel that this winter vacation was not too cold.


At the beginning of online classes, most of our students were able to control themselves. However, some students have gradually shown their true colors. They have privately arranged time to play games, chat with their classmates, and even forget about online classes. But did you know that the teacher made great efforts to keep us going.


Lets say that Mr. Huang in our class prepares a list of all the learning tasks for us every evening. The teacher should watch the video lesson first. If the effect is not good, he will continue to search. He must find the best learning resources to avoid leaving any loopholes and bad experience for the students.


Then monitor the completion of the students homework at any time. When the electronic homework is sent out, 55 pictures of the homework are received each time. Its a picture. Can you imagine that the teacher carefully corrects each students homework on the screen? There are not only sketching circles, but also comments. Whats wrong with Zhang? Lis sentence is not smooth. Wangs handwriting is too scrawly Teachers will annotate one by one, and often use encouraging language to cheer students on, and almost no repetition.


That time, Zhu forgot to submit his homework. The teacher immediately reminded him with a text message. After receiving the pictures, he immediately corrected them and urged them to correct them. In the face of the students with poor quality and not serious attitude, the teacher will also make a telephone home visit. The teacher will take time out of his busy schedule to answer the students questions!


That time, when I was learning the classical Chinese "hiding my ears and stealing the bell", I met with confusion and sent an information consultation to the teacher. Knowing that the teacher is very busy, I didnt expect the teacher to reply immediately. But unexpectedly, I received the teachers reply in less than a minute. There were not only words but also verified pictures in the reply. At the end of the reply, I also attached a piece of encouraging words that made me confident and full of confidence: Im glad that you can study so actively, and the teacher applauds your discovery and bold query. In the future, if you encounter different problems in your study, dont believe in authority, just dare to prove it. Praise your spirit of inquiry!


I dont know how long it will take for the epidemic to end, but online classes have added a new era of happiness to our learning, which has become the most beautiful fashion I have ever met in my growth. The teachers efforts and love have made our hearts closely linked through the mysterious thread of the Internet. That meticulous care has become an eternal classic in my life.






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