

首页抒情更新时间:2023-11-22 12:51:34



Giant Panda is our national treasure, the state can be said for the protection of giant pandas put a lot of human and material resources giant now has been the world's people the protection and care, which is a good thing, of course, the Tibetan antelope as the country's animal protection , The National People have been recognized, however, this tiger? The poor will be extinct Siberian tiger who is going to have a genuine concern and care a little bit?

According to statistics, the Siberian tiger left at present, less than 20, still such a small number of these survive, has had imagined. Two years ago, in the mountains of Huanren, Liaoning found to be a man to die under the presentation of the Siberian tiger, from this we can see that the above countries and the people of the importance we attach to it, this first Manchurian tiger is actually how the dead do not Conclusion, and the other is only from the northeast where hu came to the place where the wonder and the third is the matter did not rise to the national media in particular. This really puzzled the other person you! Is it really the other tiger who fear love is not worth it, it really fate of the Siberian tiger so?

Towering mountains should not unique to human beings, should not have dense forest unique to human beings, rivers clear this should not be unique to human beings, the Siberian tiger survival of this nature should not be unique to human beings. Siberian tiger to the left of a piece of heaven and earth to survive it, the High IQ is the human species, there are still ways to leave that piece of local survival, and the tiger have to leave that piece of the local dead; you save tigers, is the human population control, engage in Family planning, and the Siberian tiger is scarce Rending it! Now we can hear the cries of tigers in the future even the Siberian tiger can be heard the cries.


Everyone may encounter a scene when he or she wonders what the meaning and purpose of life is. Answers to this question vary from person to person. As for me, I agree with the view that the meaning of life is to discover your gift and the purpose of life is to make the best of it.

On one hand, one's gift could be the source of his inner happiness, providing spiritual impetus and correct orientation. Take the world-renowned Chinese pianist Lang Lang as an example. His gift was noticed before he was 3 years old, which laid the foundation of his glorious life. On the other hand, proper use of talent helps people to realize their value in a positive way, thus making contribution to the society as a whole. For instance, Isaac Newton made a universally amazing discovery by digging into his gift and finding the Newton's law of gravitation.

In conclusion, let's search for our true gift and utilize it to the fullest to achieve a happy and valuable life.


小动物是我们的朋友,我们应该爱护它们。因为,有很多昆虫都对人类有益。比如说:蜜蜂,它很勤劳,每天早上很早就出去采蜜,一次又一次。到了天黑,吃几口蜜糖后,就马不停蹄地对采来的蜜进行加工。蜜蜂的外形并不起眼,生命也很短暂,只有3个月左右;可它一生都不休息,勤勤恳恳地工作,它们对人类毫无所求,却为人们酿造了甘甜可口、营养丰富、可医治病痛的蜂蜜。 还有青蛙,青蛙披着碧绿的衣裳,两只大眼睛,像两颗晶莹透明的玻璃球,它藏在田里,专吃害虫,保护庄稼。

它捉害虫的时候两条后腿一蹬,一纵身,敏捷地将后腿一蜷,跳起老高,长长的舌头一伸,就像一个吸尘器一样转眼就把害虫吃到肚子里去了。可是,我们人类却把它们当成美味佳肴摆在餐桌上。 还有许多可爱的动物,我最喜欢的是大熊猫。大熊猫是我国珍贵的动物,妈妈告诉我大熊猫还是我们国家的国宝呢!大熊猫长的很可爱,胖乎乎、圆滚滚的,走起路来一摇一晃的,特别逗人。它的头部和身体都是白色的,只有眼圈、耳朵和肩部是黑褐色的。特别是那一对黑黑的眼圈,长在白白的脸上,像是戴着一副墨镜,加上那笨拙的动作和走起路来东张西望的神情,显得像个小绅士。












我认为,其实果子狸是无辜的,而那些不听国家、人民劝告的人,才是大恶人。如果那些吃过果子狸的人不吃果子狸,果子狸身上的“非典”病毒又怎么会传给人类呢?而一到“东窗事发”,人们却坐以待毙,把一切责任都推倒无辜的果子狸身上,害得它们被蒙上了千古之怨。自从出现了“非典”,果子狸便招到大量的害,这样一来,果子狸的亡数大大的超过了出生数,那么果子狸必定灭亡在人们手中!我说,真得该惩治那些吃过果子狸的人! 大家还认为鸡、鸭的繁殖速度比较快,便可之。当一到“禽流感”的时期,鸡、鸭又像果子狸一样遭到了灭顶之灾。

由于“禽流感”的出现,只要有一只鸡或鸭染上了“禽流感”,那么三公里之内的所有家禽都要遭到扑,五公里之内的家禽都要打预防针。这样一来,又有成千上万只家禽要告别尘世。这虽然为人们防了病,但给家禽带来了极大的痛苦。这又要归根于人们,如果人们对家禽多些照顾,把它们看成朋友,那么家禽哪又会染上“禽流感”? 总而言之,动物的生病与扑,人们有不可推卸的责任。如果人们对动物有些爱心与良心,那么哪会有“非典”与“禽流感”。我们要保护所有的动物,让它们也和我们一样,有一个生存的空间。






拿起简历,深呼口气,再出发 ......






A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat. A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat. It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful. Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.

Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers' food.

During the past years, many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse. There are fewer tigers left in the world now. Tigers are the animals of the world, and they should have their own living spaces. We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.


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