

首页抒情更新时间:2024-06-10 04:28:47








记得在二年级的时候,我因住进医院,在我住院的过程中,有一位我的主管护士, 当她知道我是因胃溃疡而住进医院的时候,她每次来都会给我带适合吃的点心。还有给我挂点滴的护士,我每次去打针的时候,她总会亲切的问上一两句:“小朋友,你的病好点了没有?”那温柔的\'嗓音真好听。









The classic literary works is full of spiritual strength to impress people, \"the pursuit of happyness\" a small investment in the film, no special effects, gorgeous scenes, deep music, however, is relying on the simple story, everyone may experience and the feeling is enough to conquer Hollywood and the audience. The film brings us a lot of reflection, and here I focus on talking about the work team, the workplace some experience.

Do not experience wind and rain, how can see the rainbow, plum flower. At the end of the movie Chris was officially informed when hiring, rapid red eyes, trembling hands, mouth repeated thanks, coming and going to the shuttle in the crowd, as at the moment part of my Narrator: This life, it called happiness! This is happiness, real happiness...... In these daily life, we all may know how to combine with the work and guide the actual work, which is worth thinking for every manager and the professionals. The management environment of enterprises in reality we will find how to motivate employees, allowing employees to work at the same time willingly and gladly, have a heart of Thanksgiving, there is an art. The film Chris finally get the opportunity to work when the efforts and hardships are from the heart, and we can see the job, the rules of the game is set up, which is six months without wages, 20 people selected one of the best performance, the rules for the participation of people sincerely convinced yuandufushu. It enlightens us that we do in the management incentive system when, how to ensure open, fair and let the athletic men fear the rules, respect the opponent to the achievements of the company, there is an old saying \"no China homogene, Haidilao recently is an admirable enterprise employee the quality and benefits are not high, but the happiness is from the inside to convey to each customer, suppliers and even competitors, the industry have become the object of imitation. The system is based on the design and management concept of human nature, based on the concern of human nature, and individuals believe that this is the cornerstone of it.

How should I do the incentive from the company, I want to become resources stem from the company, the initiative, enthusiasm and initiative, \"the pursuit of happyness\" in which also shows its mysteries, when a bunch of intern experience of practical training day, director of the Office pointed across tell you the specific the task is what after all crazy rushed to the front line, because they know their every step, every call to myself what mean. There is a test of each management intelligence, when staff motivation, not only yourselves, also give the detailed scheme of bread, all the work will lay in a small flow, a telephone, a drawing, and at the same time, so that employees can clearly see their own efforts to how much harvest instead, their income allocate resources based on the persons mood and face. Experienced trainers know doing group activities assigned to the item if you can get the value of general play, props are very small, if the design of a small activity score and get the final props, props will be more attention and use up. It contains the commitment consistency of one of the six most important human influences in social psychology, that is, the more difficult it is to get a thing, the more attention it can get.

Different people have different views, one thousand eyes of the audience have one thousand Hamlett, \"when happiness to knock\" this movie, I believe everyone will look after their thinking, do some personal views on humanity, fairness and initiative in this paper only from the incentive management system.








幸福与梦想是不可分离的,除了现实中我们拥有的一切,有时,幸福还是深藏在每个人内心的守候:为人生的约定,为事业的梦想,为一个擦肩而过的爱情。只要我们还有气力去追逐,我们也有了实现梦想的祈望。就像克里斯·加德纳始终相信的那样,“Everything will be Ok(一切都会好的”,这也是他取得成功的不可或缺的因素。海明威说的好,“人生来不是为了被打败的,人能够被毁灭,但是不能够被打败。”我们要正确看待自己的实力和目前的形势,保持一个平稳的心态,心中始终有信念,就能使自己进步更快,更容易实现自己的目标。只要永不言败、不懈追求,没有什么困难是无法解决的。


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