

首页想象更新时间:2024-04-10 06:25:42


I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study.

In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me. When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it. Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot.

I love my mother.


My mother

My mother is very kind and beautiful although she is not tall.She is 42 years old this year.She is a nurse,so she is always very busy day and night.But she loves her job,and she often takes care of her patients.Of course,she also likes singing,dancing,cooking and shopping,but she almost no time to do them.

Oh,I love my mother.



Beijing time, in the early morning of August 5th, Sun Yang defend title successfully with the score of 14 points 41 seconds 15 in 2013 swimming world championships men's 1500 meter freestyle finals. This is the third gold medal in this tournament for Sun Yang as well as the fifth goal of China’s swimming, which is slower 10 second 13 than the result of the London Olympic Games when Sun Yang achieves the champion. Sun Yang uses the score of his fifth goal in his career life to tie with the medal record that Luo Xuejuan keeps in the Chinese swimmer World Championship. He also becomes the person after Hackett in the 2005 Montreal World Championships and a single tournament winning the gold medal of “the king of long distance " in men’s 400, 800 and 1500 meter freestyle.

北京时间8月5日凌晨,2013年游泳世锦赛男子1500米自由泳决赛,孙杨以14分41秒15的成绩赢得金牌成功卫冕,这是孙杨本届赛事第三枚金牌,也是中国泳军收获的第五金,这一成绩比伦敦奥运会夺冠时慢了10秒13。 孙杨也以生涯五枚金牌的成绩,追平罗雪娟保持的中国游泳选手世锦赛夺金纪录,并且成为继哈克特在2005年蒙特利尔世锦赛后,又一位单届赛事包揽男子400、800和1500米自由泳金牌的“中长距离之王”!


Dear Sir/Madam:

As a teacher at xxxx school, I am writing to provide you a recommendation for Miss/Mr.xx so as to help you assess her/his application for acceptance into your program and consideration for financial aid.

Considered a promising student with originality and sophistication in her/his thinking, (she/he was asked, in the spring semester of 2008, to develop a subsystem of a DBMS project for her B.S.thesis, for which I was the chief leader. T

his subsystem was designed to manage the information of materials in NO.1 Foundry Plant of Dongfeng Auto Works.To do the job, she/he read many books about software engineering and took some courses in Database Principles and Management. Keenly aware that the design of a DBMS decides the quality of the whole software system, she did her/his utmost from the beginning of the project.(参加过什么活动. From analyzing users requirements to designing the whole system, from the detailed designing to the final programming, she was very level-headed and full of innovation every step of the way. Taking full advantage of her ability and creativity, she firmly focused herself on her objective and gnored all distractions. She successfully reached her goal. In the final software testing, only a few bugs were found in her subsystem. My appreciation of her talelent was thus confirmed.Miss is a very personable woman, friendly and helpful, and she has always been a team player in her work.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could give her application for candidacy to your Ph.D. program favorable consideration. Should you need any further information in your deliberation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely xxxx


My favorite sports star------ Sun Yang

Born on December 1, 1991 in Zhejiang Province, Sun Yang is very tall and the height is 1.99 meters. He was from a sports family.

He won the China's first gold medal in men's swimming game. He worked a miracle. Sun Yang is not only gifted but also diligent. He keeps training and has tenacious willpower; these are worth learning by other people. Sun Yang is a new frontrunner at the sports worlds.

Sun Yang is very popular with the young. He is adorable, charming, childlike and cool. He is kind and has the vigor of youth, and he is a little shy. But Sun Yang is easy-going, always with a smile on his face when he faces our. He sings well and sounds beautiful. To my surprise, he likes dolls very much.

Sun Yang sets us a good example, and Sun Yang has set a new world record of swimming, of which the whole country’s people are proud











这个时候开始写这本书了。 要在这本书里写这个城了,这个城里却已没有了供我写这本书的一张桌子。 在一九九二年最热的天气里,托朋友安黎的关系,我逃离到了耀县。耀县是药王孙思邈的故乡,我兴奋的是在药王山上的药王洞里看到一个"坐虎针龙"的彩塑,彩塑的原意是讲药王当年曾经骑着虎为一条病龙治好了病的。我便认为我的病要好了,因为我是属龙相。后来我同另一位搞戏剧的老景被安排到一座水库管理站住,这是很吉祥的一个地方。不要说我是水命,水又历来与文学有关,且那条沟叫锦阳川就很灿烂辉煌;水库地名又是叫桃曲坡,曲有文的含义,我写的又多是女人之事,这桃便更好了。在那里,远离村庄,少鸡没狗,绿树成荫,繁花遍地,十数名管理人员待我又敬而远之,实在是难得的.清静处。整整一个月里,没有广播可听,没有报纸可看,没有麻将,没有扑克。每日早晨起来去树林里掏一股黄亮亮的小便了,透着树干看远处的库面上晨雾蒸腾,直到波光粼粼了一片银的铜的,然后回来洗漱,去伙房里提开水,敲着碗筷去吃饭。夏天的苍蝇极多。饭一盛在碗里,苍蝇也站在了碗沿上,后来听说这是一种饭苍蝇,从此也不在乎了。吃过第一顿饭,我们就各在各的房间里写作,规定了谁也不能打扰谁的,于是一直到下午四点,除了大小便,再不出门。



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