

首页想象更新时间:2023-12-16 17:25:05
























She was so moved that she seized her hands and said, "alas! Poor mathilde! But my one is false, to be more worth five hundred francs! ." "Ah? Good heavens!" The smile on mathilde's face disappeared, and she stared, almost screaming, "what? Fake? . By god! "God! For a moment mathilde's face turned pale, and she felt the earth spinning. "Ah! My god! My poor mathilde, what's wrong with you? . By god! Come on! ." Mathilde finally woke up. She could only see a blur of white fog, a smell of smell. The dull headache made her sobriety, the blurred white fog dispersed, the white ceiling gradually became clear, and the liquid glass bottles hung from it. She tried to raise her head in disbelief, but she felt as heavy as her head. She gave a groan and muttered to herself. She was sitting on a stool by the hospital bed, and he dreamed that Jennie was mad, in shabby clothes, and was unkempt in pursuit of herself: "where is my necklace?" Where is it? -- ". For a moment I was very anxious, but I felt that my legs were weak and I could not run. Suddenly, I woke up in a cold sweat. I saw mathilde trying to get up with the bed and said to himself, "what's wrong with me? Where is this? Where is it??" "Ah! My poor mathilde, you wake up! Oh my god, you are so frightened!" "Said the lady, sobbing and wiping her tears. "Dear mathilde, this is the hospital. You have fainted for two days. I asked your Mr. Lui to return the necklace from the jewelry store, and the money will be returned to you soon! Honey, you don't have to be miserable anymore! Oh -- I'm sorry, mathilde! Why didn't you tell me about your necklace? ." Mathilde's mouth was green and white, and slowly she gave out a helpless smile. The cold and rough hand slowly came over, holding the hand of Mrs. Buddha's hand feebly, and said calmly and serenely, "thank you, dear Jenny! It is all my fault, I should not let vanity destroy the sweet home and precious youth."




回到家,看见丈夫,就大哭起来,边哭边叫:“亲爱的,你知道吗?那串项链是假的!你知道吗?那串项链是假的。”路瓦栽不知怎么回事,迷惑不解地问:“怎么了,亲爱的?什么是假的?”路瓦栽夫人解释道:“就是我从佛来思节夫人那借的那条项链,是假的,是假的!”并把路上的情形告诉了他。“啊?!”路瓦栽先生不相信,于是他找到佛来思节夫人证实这件事。 结果这件事是真的。




...... There was a silence of silence.

The awkward atmosphere pervaded the space.

The two women looked at it differently than they could see.

Finally, the boredom was broken.

"Oh dear mathilde, I'm sorry, I know it's useless to say anything right now. I don't know how to say I don't know how to express my feelings now... "

Is silence

"Really believe me." Mrs. Fogs was incoherent.

It was so long that mathilde's spirits wandered back to see her calmly saying:

"Maybe it's god's arrangement. I've already done this. What else do I expect?"

"No!" The lady of Buddha was excited. "listen to me, mathilde. I should give you this string of real necklaces."

"No thank you! I live a very peaceful life and I am more comfortable with my husband than I am. The dull life tells me how terrible my desires are and I know it too late."

And a little of mathilde continued:

"I got into my youth that money can't buy anything."

With that, mathilde walked away, leaving behind a man who stood in the park, murmuring to mathilde's retreating figure.

"Changed her; The world has not changed since she has changed. Ugly and beautiful; Mediocrity; Poor and rich: what are these?"

Suddenly she remembered that there was a book on her bookcase called the eastern religion, which said, "you can live happily because you have nothing to do.

"Perhaps she has reached this state," said Buddha.


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