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Everyone, there is a room for their own, I am no exception. My room has walls, windows, bed, pillow, and desk, bookcase and. Of course, there's a baby - like the Pearl River Piano, finish the homework every day, I will sit on the stool practice half an hour.

There's a secret in my room that you can't guess. Guess what, what is it? As a matter of fact, my room has two floors, and there is a push door beside the bookcase. Open the door, wow, and staircase, and go up to the platform. This is my little pet - Rabbit white. I have a sunny place, mine mother planted flowers, green onion, Dad cactus.

Sometimes, I wish my room had wings, so that it could fly to the sky, look at the white clouds, feel the white clouds, and try the taste of white clouds, like cotton candy.

I also hope that everything in my room is made of food. Your homework is hungry, you can chew on the desk; like sugar, you can lick the wall; hungry you sleep at night, can you just bite the pillow to chew in any case what does not matter, because all of the food.

Of course, I hope that my room long wheel, so that I can open a house car, ran to the river Yachun home to a good friend. She will be surprised. But I just smiled: "Hey, don't tell you how I dragged my room to your home."

But from dream, back to reality, my most favorite room, or my room, an ordinary little girl's room. At noon, after dinner, I will take a quiet lunch break in my room; in the afternoon, after school, I will do my homework in front of the desk. Father and mother often come to my room to help me with my homework. In the evening, I lie in my little bed and go to sleep. In the morning, a ray of sunshine comes into my room and sprinkles on my cozy little bed.


“学生是孩子,都会有孩子的天性。他们不能像成年人一样决断,他们不会做那些成年人认为最好的事情,他们喜欢不时地和教师周旋,激怒他们。很多时候,他们都不能自控。所以这就是为什么他们需要我们的原因。” 本书这样写道。这朴素的几句话给了我很大的启发,多少次我们为孩子反复出现的不良行为,懊恼,疑惑,失去耐心,甚至开始怀疑自己?我们忘了:孩子就是孩子!因此,别让学生难堪,这不仅不利于课堂,还会伤害师生关系。学生不仅会对教师产生厌恶情绪,还会对该门学科失去兴趣。赞扬学生的良好表现有助于建立良好的师生关系,也有助于激发学生的良好表现。所以,要少批评,多点鼓励。皮格马利翁效应里提到过,不管你的学生如何,但在你的心里认为他们都是最棒的、最好的,加上你投入自己的爱和心,不久以后你会发现,所有学生都变了,变成了你心里所希望的那样。所以教师在教学过程中,要善于捕捉学生的闪光点从而进行鼓励表扬。


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