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What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like jazz, popular music, classical music, folk songs, blues, and so on? In high school I took one course called music appreciation which I greatly enjoyed. This was not to learn how to play a specific instrument but to learn how to read and listen to music as an art form. We read the stories about the lives of many composers and the history of the musical instruments themselves. Sometimes we listened to tapes at the language laboratory, or concerts. Music is sometimes called a universal language. A composer who cannot speak a single word of our language can make us feel joy and pride, exaltation and despair, peace and mystery through his music.

Singing Contributes to a Joyful Mind(歌唱带来欢乐)Of all the things that make me happy, singing is what I like to do best. I sing for no particular purpose. In short, I sing for fun. There is no limit to what I sing, so long as it can let out my emotion and pass the pleasant voice to others. It is something more satisfactory and exciting to draw echoes from them. It is nothing bad to spread joy around, is it? As you can tell, singing is my second life.


On Friendship

Friendship means being friendly to each other or making friends with one another. Human beings are social animals. They do not live in isolation.They need each other both physically and emotionally.

However, some people distort friendship by forming small groups that are harmful to others, or even to the whole community. In university some students from the same city or province form an association to help each other. But such associations often exclude students from other parts of the country, and thus do not promote friendship in a broad sense.

True and lasting friendship is based on a more solid foundarien. Real friends share the same ideals. While marching toward their common objective, they help each other. If one makes a mistake, his friend will not hesitate to point it out for him, because he knows the frank criticism will help him. What we need is this type of genuine friendship.


星期天下午,爸妈都出门了,妈妈临走是嘱咐我;“今天可能要下雨,别忘了收衣服!” 过了一会儿,天空乌云密布,看样子一场倾盆大雨即将来临。我想起妈妈的嘱咐,急忙放下笔向院子里跑去。刚出门就见隔壁的王奶奶正费力地收衣服。王奶奶的儿子在外地工作,无依无靠,只剩下她孤单一人。老人家年纪大了,动做比较缓慢。于是,我赶忙走上前手忙脚乱地帮助她。刚把王奶奶家的衣服收进屋,大雨倾盆而下。糟了,我家的衣服还没收呢!我冒雨飞奔去,可还是晚了,雨把衣服淋湿了。







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