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Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “The Adaptation of the Classical Literature”. In the essay, you should (1 describe the picture (2 interpret its meaning (3 give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points?

The picture gives us a view of a popular phenomenon: the adaptation of the classics. Some classical literary works, such as our four great classics i.e. A Dream of Red Mansions, Journey to the West, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Heroes of the Marshes, are all adapted to cater to some readers’ tastes. The traditional characters become so strange and the plots are totally different. It is so ridiculous that the precious literary treasures are allowed to be ruined so much.

As we all know, the classical literature is the representation of the outstanding art of our nation. Some familiar characters such as Monkey King express the good wishes of our common people. From them, we learn many good virtues such as honesty, bravery, justice etc. However, in those adapted works named “Bantering***”or “Reboiling***”, all plots are changed and all characters become somewhat watered clown. Some readers interested in reading burlesque works have high praise for them. But they never think of the negative effects of such adaptations on the average reader, especially to children. Children are the future of the nation. They always believe that what is in the books is the truth. Those adapted works will affect their outlook on life.

Therefore, some measures should be taken to restrict these adaptations. The real classics should be presented on the bookshelves to lead people to appreciate the real art.




阿尔道夫。门采尔是世界著名的素描大师,他从13岁开始学绘画。一生共创作了一万五千多幅速写,七千多张素描。这些数量惊人的作品,都是他辛勤 劳动的结晶,他不管走到哪里,绘画工具总是随身带着,在大街小巷,乡村田野,河畔山顶,处处可以看到挥笔作画的身影。有人称他得了“缓画狂热症”,他听了很高兴地说:“希望此病是绝症。”


Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “After Graduation” In the essay, you should (1describe the picture (2interpret its meaning (3give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET2. (20 points


Graduation is an important event for all of us. It is the divide between school and a full-time working life. After graduation, we are no longer students protected by parents and teachers, but a member of the real society. Let’s look at the picture first. A graduate is told by his teacher, “You must depend on yourself during your life journey after graduation…” He finds that some former graduates fly high into the sky while some experience a drastic fall.

The picture tells us a principle. Graduation is not the end of your education, but the beginning of your real journey. At school, we may find we are no different from our classmates. However, there will be a great gap between us after graduation. Some may try their best to improve themselves and become the mainstay of our ear era? While some are indulged in creature comforts and give up their initial ideals.

Therefore, we should remember that graduation is the beginning of our real life journey. If you want to be a person useful to society, you should make all efforts to learn as much as possible from others and improve yourself. In this way, you may fly high in the sky.





穿上老妈逼我穿上的红内裤、红体恤、红跑鞋,吃过老妈做的爱心红壳蛋早餐,挨过老妈红彤彤的幸运之吻,我终于出发了。来到赛场,嚯,人可真多。一个个 都摩拳擦掌,精神抖擞,看来是准备大干一场了。今天监场的两个老师,长得很正直,我猜应该不会允许有人公开犯规。铃声响了,相当于大喇叭开始喊:“请运动 员做好准备,比赛就要开始了。”

“各就各位,预备……”“啪”一声枪响,起跑了。我身边的选手都像屁股被点燃的箭一样蹿了出去。而我,在抬头起跑的一瞬间,却好像被什么东西给击中 了,前面不远处站的那个姑娘……哇!裁判老师长得好美。一身干练的装束包裹着曼妙的身段,那健康白皙的肤色配上那双满是智慧却晶莹剔透的眼睛,仿佛用眼神 就可以征服奥林匹斯山的诸神,更不用说我们这些芸芸众生。最令我不能自拔的是她温润的双唇,我只需要想象一下当她看到这篇文章时莞尔的.一笑,嘴角上翘的角 度可以刺穿宇宙的蛮荒,带着最性感的光明穿透我的心房。而她离他不远的那个男裁判,同样也长得帅呆了。“这位选手,请认真跑步,思想不要开小差。”监场老 师上来提醒我。我对他笑了笑,没有说话,继续往前跑。他是好意,我无需忤逆他。但他不知道:“运动中的赛跑,是在有限的路程内看你使用了多少时间;人生中 的赛跑,是在有限的时间内看你跑了多少路程。”这是著名作家冯骥才说过的一段话。这场比赛,只是一场运动中的赛跑,比赛成绩也许很重要。但是,对于人生这 场漫漫的长跑来说,却是微不足道的。人生的赛跑,你跑过了多少路程,其实并不是按照距离来计算的,它取决于你的人生付出了多少努力的汗水,经过了多少的失 败,从中领悟了多少生命意义……还有,最棒的部分,领略了多少美好的风景。来源于李想奶牛。



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