

首页想象更新时间:2024-05-11 09:04:50



假如我是一只猫,我一定不会向其它猫那样费力地抓老鼠。我要先把自己打扮漂亮一点,然后约老鼠去签 猫不捉鼠、鼠不偷吃 的合同,在它们签的时候,我会把这些笨老鼠统统都吃进肚子里,然后我后找一个舒服的地方,哼着小曲、晒着太阳。








啊------! 我打了一个大哈欠,站起身,伸了个懒腰,换了个姿势,继续睡。

啊,在冬天的上午睡在沙发上,晒着从外面射进来的太阳光,嗯,真 爽 !


嗯?好像有人在叫我?我警惕的抬起头,顺着声源望去,哦!我又放下我的头,懒懒地伸了伸腿,原来是小主人。小主人是一个女孩,我的名字就是她起的。不过,我对我的名字有意见,叫什么 咪 不好,偏叫个 乖咪 !哼,我就偏不乖来给你瞧瞧!

乖咪。 见我不理她,她又叫了一声。我只是抬了抬眼皮,没有动。

看这是什么? 嗯?什么?好香啊!我抬起头看着小主人。

咦?肠!哇!我最爱吃的肠!于是乎我 嗖 一下从沙发上,一路小跑,来到小主人脚下。为得到那根让我垂涎欲滴的香肠,我当然是能撒娇就撒娇,用尽全部媚态,全然没有刚刚不理她的那个样子了。

喵! 我朝她娇娇的叫了一声,又用头在她的`腿上磨蹭磨蹭。这可是我惯用的方法,屡试屡过。

瞧,没错吧!小主人已由站姿改为蹲姿了,呵呵 我的目的要达到了。咦?怎么不给我?


只见小主人把肠在我眼前晃了晃,我刚要咬, 嗖 !肠一下升高了 八度 ,就在我愣神的功夫,肠又下来了,在我眼前晃了又晃,嗯!不错,看样子还要给我。当我满足的又要咬时,肠一下又抬到了我的头上方。

喵 !我急了,耍我?我可不是那么好欺负的哦!于是,看准目标,我窜!

可惜,晚了一步,肠又抬高了 八度 ,可恶!我狠狠的又叫了一声,我叨!


喵! 我又叫了一声,又命照着她的小腿蹭了蹭。


哈哈哈 中计了!被我抓到了,呵呵呵 看来还是我厉害。这叫 糖衣炮弹 ,记得这应该是中华人民共和国的创始人毛泽东同志说的。呵呵 我有学问吧,这是跟小主人学的,她学这个词时被我默记下来了。天啊!我太聪明了。





第三个是少男主人。唉,这个称呼好像不太好,但是我学问有限,不知到该怎么称呼男女主人的大儿子,小主人的哥哥。你们懂是什么意思就可以了。他是一个工人,平时最爱听音乐,而且千奇百怪什么都听,一会儿温柔的想让我入睡,一会儿又 咚咚 的让人精神紧张。



哦!对了,我告诉你一个秘密,别告诉别人呦。我最讨厌洗澡了。可小主人和少男主人总爱给我洗澡,每次洗完都搞的我向 非洲难民 似的,一点儿都不可爱。把我这么美的一只性感小母猫弄得这个样子,真是不懂得尊重女士。哼!


乖咪!来,该吃饭了。 哦,虽然刚吃完一根肠,但这哪里够呢!女主人叫我吃,我当然是以最快的速度跑过去喽!因为呀,女主人给我准备的饭可是最香的哦!









Cats are very cute animals,they are very special as well.

It has pointy ears,round eyes,little claws,and short but soft fur.Cats like eating fish and mice.They like to keep themselves clean,they do that by licking their fur.Also they are nocturnal animals,they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night.

We should love cat,because cats are our friends,too.

2.I love cats,they are very intelligent.They have a lot of colors,I like most is black cat,black cat 's eyes are yellow,and the cat's eye at night will flash.The cat is very clever,can climb trees,most cats are caught rats.They are not easy to get sick,is adapted to survive in the wild,so there are so many stray cats.They are very poor,we should help them.

3.I used to have a Persian cat at my house. It is long curly hair, green eyes or a blue one! The lovely little nose is always smelling, and still a pure breed! Don't mention how cute it is! He is one of my favorite Persian cats - gigi.

Kiki's temper is very small, generally very mild. For example, I came home from school every day, the first is to write the homework, Kiki would not bother me, squatting on the side of his curly hair comb. So after I had finished my homework, I will play and Kiki lying on my legs, I always playing with him not to mind taking the trouble.

Gigi is never choosy about food. Sometimes, I'll eat the rest of his give it to eat, will not care about it. Although it is not delicious, but it is very delicious but pretend to like, eating with relish; sometimes, I will go to buy cat food to eat it, Kiki happy tail swaying, as if to say: "little master! Little master, good!" I'm glad to see it.

How cute look after writing, you must love it! I'll introduce you some other time. I'll give you an open view!

4.I like a lot of animals, but my favorite animal is my cat.

This is a cat, the eyelash is very large, the eye is particularly large, a brown hair, a long beard is about.

Its character is very gentle, remember the very first time that I touch it, it meow to cry, I was shocked, however, it is not for me to attack, then I feel it a few times, it is a strength with his hair rub I kept licking my hands or face.

It and my relationship is very close, I remember when I was in school, the first Chinese lesson, the teacher asked me to say, so I call a sound, suddenly a cat ran in front of me, I know this is my kitten immediately. Originally, this kitten has been following me, I can not take care of the teacher and the schoolmate is how to look at me, hurriedly takes the kitten to hug in the bosom, kisses it, the teacher, schoolmates' sight not only is envies, also has the curiosity.

This is my favorite little animal. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I gave it a name - Emerald green.

Tracy, I like you. You're always a part of my life!

5.My cat I love animals, especially cats.

I raise a kitten, I called her Mimi, she was very cute. She has a little black nose, her mouth is very small, very short legs. Every time I got home, she always shaking her tail, I went to the fractious arms. When she feels hungry when she was a very loud call to our attention.

I love my Mimi


Why need so hurried? If we run quickly.we’ll get to the terminal point quickly. But if we walk slowly. We’ll see the beautiful view.

After class.I put the book on the desk. Books and the pencil-case are in my bag.I’m only doing work slowly,but I never lose the schoolthings at school.

When I do homework, I write slowly. I haven’t got times. So I haven’t got other homeworks. I exam is one hundred.

When I wash my face. I’m slow,too. I have not only the clean face,but also the new thing. Look! Put the toothbrush in front of the two big teeth like a big rabbit. My mother sees my face,she laughs to me.

If you don’t like to be slow,Must shout me “snail”.You must remeberr,please. I’m happy.




One day, a monkey and a gorrila were playing by the side of a river. The monkey noticed a tree with plenty of peaches on the small island across the river. How he wished to have a good taste! But he could not swim across the river. Suddenly a good idea came upon his mind. He asked the gorilla to help him lay a long stick across the river so that they could share the peaches together. No sooner had the monkey gone across the river than he drew the stick away. The gorilla couldnt get across the river and got angry. Then he decided to go away without helping the monkey back. The monkey ate a lot of peaches before he realized he couldnt go back home. He had nothing to do but cry alone. It really served him right.


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